Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Im not sure where spring gets its name, "spring of the year," when plants "spring up". one etymologist says it comes from the spring- as in the source of a flowing river or brook. so as the snow melts the rivers begin to flow because of the spring or spring the season i guess. either way this mythical thing is occurring or springing right now.

as triathletes we notice it first. we are egging to get out of the house and go for a ride. when we do so, we suffer at first. there will probably even be a ride where we regret going on, or a ride that we are all layered and suited up for, and we end up sweating our ass off on the trainer, because we dont want to brave the elements. but then something amazing happens.

we go for our ride, reluctant, and almost ready for the pain on our face cheeks, and its not there. you feel warm, you end up zipping your jacket down and letting some air flow. and consciously the most magical part happens - the smells defrost into the air after a winter of holding back. you can smell restaurants cooking bread down the road, gas at the gas pumps, salt air off the ocean, seaweed in the marsh, even manure on the farms smell good. the air is alive again and it is intoxicating.

so as i sit here at the computer, i can hear the birds chirping, i know spring is still springing, and soon enough all of my senses will tell me when it has sprung.

out the door.

1 comment:

mackjay1980 said...

Nice photograph! Spring, when defined in this manner, can start on different dates in different regions. In terms of complete months, in most North Temperate Zone locations, spring months are March, April and May although differences exist from country to country. INSTYLER