Friday, February 15, 2008

Tendinitis Tendancy

My achilis felt weird last sunday. Last sunday was also inventory day at Sugar Cycles. So I did spend the majority of the day on my tippy toes. I am sure that did not help.

Monday, masters was cancelled after about 800yds, due to some severe lightning(outdoor pool - texas). So, as i went out for my run, i felt real tight in my achilis. I ignored it. Do not ignore pain! A total rookie move, and i have been out of commision since monday. I have gotten some easy swims in, with one legged flip turns, and that is it. The Half Marathon in Austin has been cancelled by the JANDA . So, I will continue to ice, compress, anti-inflamatorize, incline, and rest. (RICE). Until he gives me the go, hopefully Monday. That will give me 6 weeks until Lonestar Half IM.

I was pretty upset about this, and the thought of cancelling a race, and not training, was and is a horrible mindset. I was given a different outlook by none other than Janda, "What's gonna happen when you get hit by a car riding your bike?" I thought about the fact that under different circumstance, I could be out for a long time, and possibly for good. He then said, "This is part of being a triathlete Liam."

I can not stress how important it is to have people in your triathlon life, that you can trust without question, and just do as your told. Triathletes are very intense strong people, and to be able to just listen, and do what someone says, is huge in this sport. To be able to talk to your coach, and know that he/she has been there before, and can guide you through it, is an amazing help.

In conclusion, even if your careful, you might get hurt, and when it happens, we must go against our style, and stay idle for a while. Find someone you can take advice from, without question.


KCWoodhead said...

Gees - bummer you can't go to Austin. I'll try to run extra fast for you.

pinkgurugal said...

janda is your athletic yoda! :)

Jane said...

ouch! get well soon !

Jane said...

ouch! get well soon !

Tarabay said...

That blows... With that kind of injury what can you still do? I'm going through something similar and i'm pretty limited to easy biking and swimming...

Anonymous said...

There is someone that I am starting to listen to without question. It took me a while b/c I am stubborn, but this person has proven to know his shit...who would thunk it!