Thursday, April 3, 2008

Lonestar - Galveston HIM - Race Report

Lonestar Half IM came and went, quicker than I expected. I finally arrived at packet pickup around 1805(five minutes late!). Nevertheless, I got my packet, checked out the scene, ate some grub, and went to bed.

0430 – The alarm sounds. “%#?$” I totally forgot what it is like to wake up so early, so that I can put myself through numerous hours of pain and mental testing. I brought Jasper out to take a leak before departure for the race, and it was windy. Not killer winds, but a consistent presence. Not what I wanted to feel as I mentally prepared.

Arriving at Moody Gardens, and trying to find a parking place, I ended up planting myself next to the Mavic guys. I met Jason Vivion, the local ORBEA rep, and an integral part in getting my new ride. Thanks again Jason!

I warmed up, used the facilities, got my transition ready, and was on the pier in perfect timing. This rarely happens to me! I plunged into Galveston Bay, and not bad for March.

0730 – The race begins. I felt awesome in the water and held onto the lead man until we cut separate lines, his was better, damn. The swim felt like it was never going to end, and the collective answer was because it was long, I don’t think one person broke 28 minutes! So I was happy to get out with a nice cushion on the field, and looking at the results not too far savage swimmer Chris Sustala. I have found it is harder to swim fast in the front empty elite waves, when you are swimming with hundreds of bodies it is way more motivating. I also need a new wetsuit, mine of 5 years has shrunk beyond the limits I can push it.

Running out of the water, awesome to hear Adam formerly of Jack and Adam’s of Austin, screaming the play by play. I grabbed my bike, thought, “damn this thing is light”, and went on.

The word for my 2008 season is “cycle”! The weakest of my three, is something I will work continuously to get better, faster, and stronger. I have and I will press on. I knew it would be a matter of time before the like of Mark Brooker would come screaming by. I was pleasantly surprised that it didn’t happen for a while. We did not have a true tail or head wind, just a bunch of cross wind, which made for a windy day, but it could have been worse. I grimaced the entire ride pushing and pushing, almost trying to prove that I know how to ride a bike. Seeing Sugar Cycles out on the race course was awesome, and motivating. Thanks guys! Turning back down towards Moody Gardens with the only tail wind for a half mile was a gift, I was moving and I was about to finish the bike course. I ended up averaging 23 mph, and not losing much time to the field. The ORDU is a stiff ride, and I feel like every watt goes directly to the drive train. I was in the aero position for 56 straight flat miles, and felt comfortable as ever. I finished the bike in 6th place.

Time to run. I definitely did not eat enough on the bike, I felt kind of hungry at the run start. My first 4 miles were druising at 530 pace, but then slowly I faded. It got pretty hot out there, and I gave it all I had. I pulled off a 1:23 run split.

Finishing the day in 4th place overall with a time of 4:21, and very content. It is only March, and I have a long season ahead. This race gave me a great benchmark of what I can achieve this season. Thanks to everyone for all there support out there.

In other news, we had some great performances out there this weekend: Kelly Carrington got 5th overall female with a new PR, John Robertson(I will get you one day) pulled of a 2nd Overall, Mark Brooker(Texas version of Norman Stadler) 5th Overall, Natilie Miller P.R., and Kathleen killed the Aquabike, but then got warm water :(. Last but definetly not least, TRIGREYHOUND had a great race surprising himself with his pace throughout. Congrats!

FACT: Kieth and Claire Jordan from EndorFun, the race directors for Lonestar, Longhorn, Timberman, and Mooseman are true professionals. No race can compete with them, they think of everything, and I would travel anywhere to do there racers.


greyhound said...

I forgot to tell you, I think I saw you scream by me on the bike as I was outward bound and you were starting your second loop. Didn't look weak to me.

KCWoodhead said...

Great race!

Although 3:42+:30 = 4:12<4:21. I win!

We never discussed the "prize" for winning our race. I hope you come up with something good.

Anonymous said...

hey, good to meet you last weekend... hope the rest of your ride went well.