Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Back to Gloucester

Umm, yea! Home sweet home. This is where I'll be for the next two weeks. I will be chillin with the family, at the beach, training my ass off, and eating the best food in the world.

I was planning on bringing Jasper, but there is no way I can afford it, so the pooch won't be able to plunge into the atlantic just yet.

I hope to get some miles in with Janda as well, while I am home. I will be laying out a solid couple weeks for Mooseman while i am home, which is good, because I might get a re-taste for new england hills, compared to my texas tortilla flat ass roads now.

I opted out of Boise for a couple reasons. Yes, I eventually want to race up there, but Mooseman offers another trip home, as well as a for-shizzle bad ass race put on by EndorFun.

My little Brother Kieran graduated from HS, and my little niece gets christened while i am home as well. I have missed so many things over the past few years, and I can't wait to be able to be home for a few important days.

1 comment:

greyhound said...

Have a great time while you're home.

Except, when last I checked, Montgomery county wasn't tortilla flat.