Wednesday, July 23, 2008

hamstrings, steroids, good workouts, and the "hoff"

i finally went to the doctor. he prescribed a week of steroids, some muscle relaxers for bedtime, and an mri (which hasn't been done yet). the steroid, which is really just a souped up anti-inflamatory is really helping, and i am feeling alot better already. i need to make stretching a part of my training, seriously for once and for all.

last night, i had to do a litl=tle track workout, 3 mile warmup, 3x1 mile at 6min pace, with 1 min walk inbetween, and a mile cool down. nothing serious, nothing too hard, just getting it done. i was a little nervous about it, because of my legs, but it turned out to be a great workout, and exactly what i needed. i needed to feel that kick at the end of a workout, that didnt feel like my leg was falling off, i needed to feel somewhat normal again. for the first time in about 6 weeks, i felt like a runner again.

i took today off from work to get a nice 2.5 hour ride with intervals in. this will be another power test to base my zones off, so it was more important then work. nasty weather here as Dolly nails southern Texas, so i might be dodging thunderstorms during my ride.

if the weather hold off, i am going to get a open water swim in too, but that does not look promising. timberman is in less than a month, i need to get my legs ready for thoe hills on the bike, and my run legs back in gear.

in other news, i was "hoffed" at work yesterday....i left my computer unlocked, walked away from my desk, and this is what was locked on my background for the remainder of tuesday.....


Mel said...

Glad the leg is feeling better.....Oh and that Hoff photo is so wrong...that guy needs to give it up already :)

AJ said...

Your Wednesday sounds like mine! Bag work to workout (love it - karma will get us) and dodging nasty storms. There's some serious nasty falling around here these days too!

Glad to hear the hammy's are shaping up.

April Bowling said...

That is the most fucked up picture I think I've ever seen...I am now seriously disturbed. Those poor puppies!
