Thursday, July 31, 2008


I have been here for three years, and I do not remember it being this hot in years past. This past weekend turned out to be an epic battle: ME vs. The TX sun. It was a tie.

I have always made fun of texans because my Mothers house in Gloucester, MA is like 3 times older than their beloved state. I am figuring out why that is. There is no way people could live down here without air conditioning.

I ended last week with an easy two hour ride out in the Missouri City/Sugarland area, took a turn down a familiar road and stumbled upon...

This might actually be the actual picture too(GOOGLE), because the game wardens were catching it when I got there. So, if I was a little faster I would have been eaten alive. Thank god it was a recovery ride ;) Maybe its because the swamp water was boiling!!

So, the topic/complaint is the heat. It is killing me, it just seems like I am trying harder, to go slower, and recover longer. It is wasting my mucles and my energy. Last saturday, as I went out for a long run at 1030 in the morning, it got so hot, I had to sit under a tree a couple times to let my body cool down. That is not healthy. I felt like death all day, and slept 12 hours that night. Therefore, I started my long ride late on Sunday. TX sun 1 - Liam 0

Beginning a 5 hour pace ride in the Texas afternoon heat up in Conroe is so dipressing, that when it was done, I felt like I had won. When I got to the turnaround point, I asked the lady at the gas station how hot it was, she was already looking at me funny (spandex, white spandex), she turned around and looked out the window at the bank thermometer and it read (note:not real picture)

Yes, without the heat index. I have to give kudos to INFINIT. This shit works. Nutrition is such a vital part of triathlon, but exponentially so in the heat. I wasn't hungry or crampy and threw done 106 miles in the hills. Liam 1 - TX sun 1.

As i prepare for Timberman 70.3, I need to watch what this heat is doing to my body carefully, I can not afford to get burnt out(PUN Intended).


AJ said...

I was overheating on my ride on Saturday and it was only upper 80's. 104 must've SUCKED!

I know a few people now that use Infinit and swear by it. Have you been using it for a while? Been good to you?

greyhound said...

If you managed a tie with Mother Nature, consider yourself lucky. She's a beyotch.

BreeWee said...

Oh man, you would have LOVED my run this morning if you are LOVING heat lately (sarcasm!)

Hope Timberman dishes up some better weather for ya!

Oh, as for the compression socks... I charged the credit card and got both. After long runs I like the full ones (they help with the IT bands and knees, ect.) I fully recommend them, but buy them a size small! At night, it is WAY to hot here to ever sleep in the full ones, that is why I go the short ones too, I can sleep in shorty's!

Best to ya... hope you get some goo recovery in soon!

April Bowling said...

You are describing my worst nightmare...heat and George Bush, 2 reasons I will never call TX home...

I use infinit too and love it...Dean Phillips turned me on to it and it is awesome...


Jane said...

You're an extrovert?! big surprise!
What are you doing these days? still in the CG? Sugar? ??